Donate Books
Run a Book Drive

We distribute an average of 45,000 books per month, and our need for good-quality, used children’s books is endless. You can help!
Our Book Drive Toolkit makes it easy to run a book drive to collect children’s books at your workplace, school, church, organization, or even in your neighborhood!
- A book drive is a great service project for kids and students. We also find that corporations and offices love to collect books for us.
- We especially need books for early childhood through 3rd grade and books showing diversity.
- Take your book drive virtual by sharing our or Amazon wish list link. Participants can purchase new books and have them sent directly to us.
1. Register your book drive with us
2. Check out our Book Drive Toolkit for tips
3. Get a tub/bin/box or borrow one of ours to collect books. Print a sign or make your own for your bin(s).
4. Promote your drive on social media, email, word of mouth-however you can get the word out!
5. Deliver books to us, or contact us for a pick up of more than 750 books.